martedì 8 aprile 2014


Ricostruzione facciale di Thutmose IV - Facial reconstruction of Thutmose IV

Il regno di Thutmose IV:

Ammaliata dalla straordinaria bellezza manifestata dalle sembianze del volto mummificato del faraone Thutmose IV, perfettamente conservato, ho deciso di farne risplendere di nuovo la luce mediante la ricostruzione del suo nobilissimo aspetto. Questo sarà il primo della serie di ritratti che ho intenzione di porre in opera, ricostruendo i lineamenti dei re dell'Antico Egitto dalle loro mummie e dai tratti individuali  delle statue che li ritraggono.

Tempera su tela con vernice; misure: 40 x 60.


3 commenti:

  1. I've looked trough the comments on your channel on and I must say the recostrction you've made of Thurmose IVth is amazing! he sure was a beatifl man, andeven in death he shows a very calm and pleased expression. As he's just sleeping, and just not taking any attention to the world around him. I've seen tht people have ben discussing the potential race of him, and wheter he was white or black... I've taken the rude opportunity to givehim a more "in between color". If you do not mind?

    1. Hello and thanks for the comment! Sorry because only now I found the comment waiting for moderation, I had never received the notification in the email! Thanks, I agree with you about the personality of the pharaoh Thutmose, now I'm going to read the discussion in the forum.

    2. it not bad i like it because if it was roled up then they have to be a mummy
